In pictures: The best of Vietnam this week

Check out some of the most stunning Instagram photos of #topvietnamtour

Top Food Tour Vietnam

"Dear Hanoi, you were such a crazy and noisy city, I was quite impressed," the caption reads.

city Hanoi Capital

Outside Hoa Lo Prison, also known as "Hanoi Hilton"

Outside Hoa Lo Prison, also known as "Hanoi Hilton

Hoi An always knows how to make people fall in love with it.

Hoi An always knows how to make people fall in love with it.

A different side of Da Nang.

A different side of Da Nang.

"Not the nicest picture when it comes to animal welfare, but it begged to be photographed," the photographer said.

Top vietnam Tour

One of the best places to find impressive graffiti in Vietnam is inside old department buildings.

old Town vietnam

The photographer describes Hanoi as "super fascinating everywhere."

super fascinating everywhere

Tourists are being asked to share their images of Vietnam on social media.

Vietnam's National Administration of Tourism has initiated a campaign calling for both locals and foreigners to share their best pictures of the country on social media in a bid to attract more visitors.
The #whyVietnam campaign is asking people to share their photos of Vietnam with the hashtag on their Facebook pages.
